First Name
Last Name
Expected Graduation Date (Note: we do not consider applications from seniors or students entering their final year at Wayne State).
Major (indicate N/A if undeclared)
Overall GPA
Major GPA (indicate N/A if major undeclared)
Courses taken in psychology (if any)
If applicable, please describe any past research experience or technical skills that may be relevant to this role. This may include things like experience with survey development, graphic design, coding, working with youth etc. (200-250 words)
Our research focuses on adolescent peer relationships. Why do you want to be a part of this research team/lab? What are your professional goals, and how does working on research in this lab align with them? (200-250 words)
How many semesters can you commit to working in the lab?
Please list any skills you have that may be relevant to your research involvement. This could include, but is not limited to, computer programming or coding, data management and analysis, survey design, or experience working in schools.
Are you able to commit at least 6 hours per week to the lab?
Are you flexible with the scheduling of these hours?